Curbside Sanctuary 

Everybody knows that summer in Stamford officially begins with the Greek Fair at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on Newfield Ave. For many years, our next-door neighbors have provided rides, games, and lots of food the first weekend of June, and the crowds are reliably large. Visitors to the fair typically use the grounds of St. Cecilia to park. This year, we will offer more than just parking to those walking over from our campus to the fair. We will offer them an opportunity to encounter Christ. 

This Friday (5/31) and Saturday (6/1) we will be setting up a temporary altar in the vestibule of St. Cecilia Church. It will be a simpler version of the altar of repose that we prepare for Holy Thursday. On the altar we will place the Most Blessed Sacrament for public worship on those two nights from 7-11pm. To protect the church, all the doors of the building will be locked, except for the front doors facing Newfield Ave. These doors will be propped open, with a curtain hung across them, setting apart the temporary sanctuary from the bustling activity outside. Volunteers from the parish, including men from our Knights of Columbus Council, will be present at all times to act as guardians of the Eucharist, but also to invite passers-by to stop in to light a candle and say a prayer. 

As far as I know, our parish has never done anything like this before. With this being a period of Eucharistic renewal in our diocese, however, it seems a fitting moment to try something new. Among the large crowds of people coming to the fair there undoubtedly will be many Catholics. Many of them might be disconnected from the Church. Perhaps some of them have not been in the presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for a long time. Maybe it’s been a while since they have prayed at all. The hope is that our little curbside sanctuary will give them an unexpected chance to spend a moment with Jesus, whose wounded Heart longs for them. 

If this initiative is to be successful, we’ll need your help. Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd. So, if you plan to attend the Greek Fair on Friday or Saturday evening between 7-11pm, please stop by our church to make a visit, and tell all your friends to do the same. The presence of people gathered in front of the church will attract others to see what the fuss is about. If your best carnival days are behind you, tell the young people in your family who will be going to the fair to stop by St. Cecilia Church to make a visit. Give them a dollar to light a candle and an intention to pray for, and they’ll be sure to do it.  

See you at the fair! 

posted 5/25/24

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