
Ordaining priests is one of the great privileges of a bishop. Last Saturday, Bishop Caggiano ordained two new priests for the Diocese of Bridgeport – Fr. David Klein, and Fr. Jozef Ukaj. In his homily, Bishop Caggiano described their vocations as the fruit of God’s call, but also the good influence and example of their parents, siblings, friends, parishes, and faithful priests who served as their spiritual fathers over the years. 

The bishop then spoke to them about what their lives were to be, as those who had received Holy Orders to the sacred priesthood, a sacrament which comes with a share in what are traditionally called the “triple munera” of Christ Jesus. The word munera is the plural form of the Latin word munus, which in ancient Rome referred to a public work or obligation that high status Romans were expected to undertake in service of the Roman people, such as the provision of games or amenities. The munera of Our Lord, however, refer to His three-fold office as priest, prophet, and king (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 436). Bishop Caggiano told the new priests that they would exercise their prophetic office through preaching and by teaching the faith to people, so that the laity might evangelize the world. With this privilege would come the grave responsibility to always speak truth with clarity and love, a task which requires courage in a culture held captive by confusion.  He also reminded them that, as priests, they had received a special commission to assist the bishop in his role as the leader of the local Church in the Diocese of Bridgeport. But to be good leaders of the flock, they must first be good disciples, humbly seeking by their way of life and the help of grace to be conformed more closely to Christ the King, thus modeling for the laity how to be good examples to their families, neighbors, and colleagues. Finally, the bishop spoke to them of their role in the sanctification of the people as priests, most especially through their celebration of the Mass. As priests of Jesus Christ, they would be instruments for the inbreaking of the eternal into the temporal realm, making present in our midst the Holy Sacrifice of Christ, now risen and glorified, and offering the Most Blessed Sacrament as sanctifying nourishment to the members of His beloved Church, that they might have the strength necessary to sanctify the world. 

In the Gospel of Matthew, when His disciples were vying among themselves for positions of honor, Our Lord said to them: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mt 20:25-28). Thus, while the sacrament of Holy Orders confers on priests a distinct status in the Church, it is a status that comes with the munera of the One who hangs on the cross for the sake of our salvation. It is a truly awesome thing. And so, we must pray for Fr. Klein and Fr. Ukaj, and for all priests, as well as those men whom Jesus is inviting from our parish to receive a share in His priesthood. May they be good men, and many. 

posted 6/22/24

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